Truth is beyond words. It is beyond time. In this sense it is ancient. It is the experience of a non-duality. Truth is transcendental. It is the experience of the state of a spiritual singularity. What is transcendence? It is going beyond the duality. All duality is a relativity. Relativity is not reality and reality is not relativity. Truth is transcending relativity. The first duality is space-time curvature. This is a part of the outer universe. This is an objective reality. What is the measuring rod? The light is the measuring rod. Albert Einstein’s theory of relativity can be of immense help to know the objective relativity. The second duality is the space-time curvature of the mind. This is that inner universe. And what is the measuring rod? A pure thought is a measuring rod. The Vedas and Upanishads which are the eternal resources of Advaita can be of an immense help to know the subjective relativity and then to experience the absolute truth as it is. Truth or reality means to transcend the objective relativity and subjective relativity. The absolute truth is beyond the objective relativity and subjective relativity.
Truth is One. This “One” does not mean a numeric one. It only means that the truth is non-dual. It means it is beyond duality. It means it is transcendental. One means the existential experience of Oneness. It is the experience of the union. It is just like how a dew drop from a lotus petal slips into a pond and becomes one with the pond. This merging is one. It is just like how a river falls into an ocean, merges with the ocean, and becomes one with the ocean. What is then left out is only the ocean. The experience of this merging and becoming one is Oneness. It is in this sense the truth is One.
Truth is eternal. It was same to my parents. It was same to me. It will be the same to my son. And it will be same to anybody, anywhere, and anytime. Truth can be experienced but can not be expressed. Truth can be known but can not be made into a knowledge. Truth can be known but can not be described. Truth can be realized but can not be given. Truth can be seen but can not be said. Truth can be smelt like the pleasant fragrance of a flower. Truth can be felt like the taste of a delicious fruit. It can never be given like a chocolate or an ice cream. But yes, it can be shared. The method can be shared. The way can be shared. The approach can be shared. The path can be shared. Because spirituality is a science of experiencing the truth. Anybody who is promising you that the truth can be given is a fake. Anybody who is assuring you that the truth can be given is a sham. Truth is non-negotiable. Please beware !!
Everything can be said in words except the truth. The truth is beyond words. And still the words have to be used to say the unsayable. This is the biggest dilemma. The truth can be heard when the chattery of the mind stops. The sound of truth echoes in a silent state of the mind. Tamasoma Jyotirgamaya (Move from Untruth to Truth), say the Upanishads.
Everything can be said in words except the truth. The truth is beyond words. And still the words have to be used to say the unsayable. This is the biggest dilemma. The truth can be heard when the chattery of the mind stops. The sound of truth echoes in a silent state of the mind. Tamasoma Jyotirgamaya (Move from Untruth to Truth), say the Upanishads.