Glass, Half Full or Half Empty? What is your Perspective?

The reality exists and we all perceive the reality. What is true reality? Nobody can give the exact answer. Each person has his own reality. And, therefore, each person has his own expression. The reality is one but the perceptions could be many. The reality is one but the expressions could be many. Every one perceives reality in his own way. Every observer observes reality is his own way. Every perception is relative to the one who is perceiving. Every observation is relative to the observer. The one who is perceiving and the perception are not two different things. The observer and the observed are not two different things.

Is the glass half full or half empty? This is a common phrase that we use to know an individual’s worldview. This is a common phrase that we use to know an individual’s point of view. In the above situation, every individual’s worldview could be different. One may argue and say that the glass is half full and this expression may indicate optimism. And another may argue and say that the glass is half empty and this may indicate pessimism. To me, the above situation can give rise to at least seven (7) possible perceptions. The above reality can be expressed in seven different ways. And each expression is actually indicating the same reality. The seven expressions look different but they all indicate the same reality. Therefore, a situation can be seen in many different ways depending on an individual’s point of view. In the present situation where the glass is half full and half empty, an individual may come out with any of the following seven expressions or all the seven expressions:
  • The glass is half full.
  • The glass is half empty.
  • The glass is half full and half empty.
  • The glass is not full.
  • The glass is not empty. 
  • The glass is neither full nor empty. 
  • The glass can be either full or empty. 
The situation is one but the expressions are many. The reality is one but the perceptions are many. The truth is one but the opinions are many. And all the above perceptions converge towards the same reality.

The first six expressions indicate the state of the situation. And the last expression indicate a new possibility of the situation. That is, the glass can be either full or empty. This is a new possibility depending on an individual’s need. If I am full then there is no possibility of a growth. If I am full then I have come across a dead-end. On the other hand, if I am empty, then there is an immense possibility of a growth.

And based on the above insight the Rig Veda proclaims, “Ekam Sat Vipra Bahudha Vadanti”. The truth is one, but the sages (or enlightened ones) call it by many names or describe it in many ways.

Perception is not a reality. Perception is a viewpoint. It can be an opinion. The ultimate truth or reality is neither singular or plural. It is non-dual. It is Advaitam. It is not numeric, it is Nirvanic. It is beyond space and time. It is beyond thought and time. It is transcendental.

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