President’s Message to the People

On the eve of the 65th Republic Day, the president of India, in his speech said, “Corruption is a cancer that erodes democracy, and weakens the foundations of our state. If Indians are enraged, it is because they are witnessing corruption and waste of national resources. If governments do not remove these flaws, voters will remove governments. Equally dangerous is the rise of hypocrisy in public life. Elections do not give any person the licence to flirt with illusions. Those who seek the trust of voters must promise only what is possible. Government is not a charity shop. Populist anarchy cannot be a substitute for governance. False promises lead to disillusionment, which gives birth to rage, and that rage has one legitimate target: those in power.” The full text of the speech is below: 

Enlightened Leadership Views:

The political leaders and political parties promise their voters. They are promising removing of poverty, creation of jobs, growth in economy, removal of corruption, good governance, etc. The religious leaders and the religions are also promising many things to their followers. They are promising God, heaven, Moksha, Nirvana, etc. There is always a huge gap between what is promised and what is delivered. This gap and this delta, between the promise and the fulfilment is their notional profit. And this offering is a prt of their survival strategy. Is the non-fulfilment of this promise a crime? Well, I don’t know what the law says. It seems all it says is, caveat emptor - let the buyer beware. As people, laws and technologies evolve, the pressure on this gap increases. A true leader (Political, Business, Social, Spiritual) is one who does not promise more than what he can deliver. He talks the walk and walks the talk. The gap between what he promises and what he delivers is always a “Shunya”. This is the Power of Shunya.

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