Emotional Quotient, Intellectual Quotient, and Spiritual Quotient: What is your Quotient?

Let us talk of the whole structure of our being. At the periphery of the being are our thoughts. This layer is of positive thoughts and negative thoughts. This is the mind of the being. This is an intellectual layer of the being. This layer can be purified through mindfulness and awareness. This layer can be purified through the process of Dhyana or Meditation. This layer is called the Intellectual Quotient (IQ) of the being.

There is a layer below the intellectual layer. A layer below this is called the emotional layer. This is the heart of the being. This layer has negative emotions and positive emotions. And this layer can also be purified through mindfulness and awareness. The energy at this layer can be purified through the process of Dhyana or Meditation. This layer is called the Emotional Quotient (EQ) of the being.

Emotions, thoughts, and actions are not three different things. They are three different forms of the same energy. The emotions are moving in the heart. The thoughts are moving in the mind. And these emotions and thoughts manifest through the body as actions. The emotions in the heart trigger as thoughts in the mind, and the same thoughts manifest through the body as actions. One can slap somebody with the hand or one can shake somebody’s hand with the same hand. It all depends on us as to how we use our thought energy.

A thought is an object. It is an energy. And this object creates its own world. It creates its own space and time. It creates its own world of thoughts and emotions. It creates a world of the mind. And this mind can be transformed into a creative mind. A moving thought is a space. A moving thought is time. A mind, therefore, is a space-time object. The mind is a space of moving thoughts. A moving mind creates an illusion of time.

The whole structure of an individual being is like that of an atom. The atom consist of electrons, protons, and neutrons. The electrons are negatively charged particles and are moving in the outermost orbit of the atom. This is the periphery of the atom. The protons are positively charged particles. And the neutrons are neutrally charged particles. The protons and neutrons are in the center of the atom called the nucleus. As we move from the periphery to the center of the atom, the power increases. The center of the atom is the most powerful place in the atom. The protons are more powerful than the electrons. And the neutrons are more powerful than the protons and electrons. The center of the atom, called the nucleus, is the most powerful place in the atom. According to science, the electrons, protons, and neutrons are not three different things. They are three different manifestations of the same energy.

The thoughts are like particles. These are moving in the mind at different energy levels. They have their own properties - position, speed, energy, etc. The thoughts are moving in the space of the mind. And these thoughts create their own world of the mind. And these thoughts - past, present, and future, create the mind. The past, present, and future are the three dimensions of the thought object. And the space and time is the fourth dimension. The past time is our memory. The present time is the time that we are living now at this very moment. And the future time is our imagination. And the sum of all this is nothing but our mind. Our mind is nothing but a four dimensional subjective world. If the past is responsible for the present, then with the same analogy the present will also be responsible for the future. Therefore, the whole objective is to create a world of positive actions and creative actions.

The outer layer of our being is the layer of negative, positive, and neutral thoughts. This is the periphery of our being. This is the mind of our being. The quality of the thoughts determine the quality of the mind. This is an intellectual layer. This is a layer of intellectual energy. This layer determines our Intellectual Quotient (IQ). A layer below this is a layer of negative, positive, and neutral emotions. This layer is below the intellectual layer. This is an emotional layer. This is the heart of the being. This is a layer of emotional energy. The emotional energy is more subtler than the intellectual energy. The quality of the emotions determine the quality of the heart. There is a layer further deeper. This layer is that of silence. This is more like a field. The thoughts and emotions are like particles and waves. The thoughts and emotions are continuously interacting with this field of silence. And in a silent state of the mind we can experience the soul. The silent state is neither positive nor negative. It is a neutral state. It transcends the negative state and the positive state. The silent state helps us to know the utility and futility of both the states, that is, the positive state and the negative state. As we move deeper in our being the power increases. The positive thoughts are more powerful than the negative thoughts. The neutral thoughts are more powerful than the positive and negative thoughts. The Atman or the soul is the very center of our being. It is the most powerful place in our being. It is a center of infinite empathy. It is a center of infinite love and bliss. This is our true happiness quotient. And this state determines our Spiritual Quotient (SQ). This is the sate of a Sachitananda.

The Spiritual Quotient (SQ) is the sum of our Intellectual Quotient (IQ) and Emotional Quotient (EQ). And mathematically,

Spiritual Quotient (SQ) = Intellectual Quotient (IQ) + Emotional Quotient (EQ).

The Atman or the soul is the very center of our being. It is the most powerful place in our being. It is a center of infinite empathy. It is a center of infinite love and bliss. This is our true happiness quotient. And this state determines our Spiritual Quotient (SQ). This is the sate of a Sachitananda. The consciousness of the Sachitananda is filled with truthfullness and bliss.

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