Leadership Transition

Life is a journey and not a goal. We are all on a spiritual journey. Everything is in flux. And nothing is static. Everything is dynamic and continuously changing and moving. We are all human beings on a spiritual journey. Leadership and Followership are just choices. It is a voluntary phenomenon. And it can can never be forced.

Everything is changing except the change. All change is for the new dawn. All change is for the rising sun. All change is for the new fortunes. All change is part of the nature. Everything is changing and everything is moving. All change and movement is resting on a far bigger principle called the changeless or the eternal. The time is resting on a far bigger principle called the timelessness. The wheel is moving on its axle which is eternally at rest and relaxation. Look at the galaxies. Scientists say that they are flying apart. Look at the cosmos. It is ever expanding. The scientists even say that it is accelerating. Our body is changing. Our mind is changing. Our thoughts are changing. And our soul is eternally at rest. Our body is like the circumference and our soul is like the center. Let us move from the ever changing to the ever changeless. Let us move from the ever moving to the one that can never be moved. Our consciousness is everywhere. Everything is filled with the same consciousness. There is actually no place for the consciousness to move. Everything in fact moves within the consciousness. 

Let us welcome this change. Let us not confront this change. Let us not say no to this change. Let us be part of this change. All change is a choice between the old and the new. Let us be the catalysts of this change. And let us be the change agents of this choice. All change is eternal !! 

Harold Wilson says, “He who rejects change is the architect of decay. The only human institution which rejects progress is the cemetery”. Enlightened Leadership is a vision and an action for leading this change. Let us be a part of this change.

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